Advantages of Komodo for Enterprise

Komodo Dome

Komodo Dome is an automated spray cannon that detects oncoming wildfires and pre-treats areas at risk with a long-distance spray. 

Komodo Mini-DOME

A mobile dome that can be placed inside or outside for maximum protection, and  moved to new locations when necessary


Komodo’s largest Just-in-Time manual system that can be stationary or mobile, independent of water sources and 20 times more effective than water

Komodo Fire Complex

Komodo implements an integrated AI System that will protect a large complex with Fire Domes, Drones, Mobile Sprayers, and AI technology.

"I was thoroughly impressed by the Komodo fire suppression system. It is extremely effective and a fraction of the size of the fire suppressant systems currently in use by Soldiers in the U.S. Army."
Captain Zortman
US Army

Protect your investments with Komodo

Protect your investments with Komodo