Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Komodo made of?

Komodo is a safe, non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-corrosive, water-soluble, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly compound that serves as a highly effective fire protection agent to prevent destructive fires from starting in the first place. It is a fire retardant that is proven to minimize wildfire spread and potential damage to your property.

2. What is Komodo made of?

Komodo is an eco-friendly “benign by design” compound comprised of food-safe ingredients and earth minerals that work together in a proprietary formula to produce a powerful fire protectant, retardant, and suppressant completely free of PBDEs (Polybrominated Diphenyl Esters) and other restricted or harmful chemicals.

3. How does KOMODO work?

As a fire prevention and protection agent, Komodo prevents fires from igniting in the first place and prevents structures from being engulfed in wildfire flames. The simple application of Komodo on any combustible material, including structures and vegetation, will significantly reduce the possibility of large fire propagation. Komodo forms a uniform conformal coating that releases a combination of micro fire suppressants activated when exposed to heat. It creates a powerful shield that prevents materials from igniting or burning.

4. How much coverage do I get from 1 gallon of Komodo?

Each gallon of “ready to use” product covers between 100-200 square feet depending on spray equipment, type of vegetation, and ambient conditions

5. Is Komodo safe for wildlife, plants, pets, and children?

Yes, when used as directed, Komodo is completely safe for application on trees, shrubs, plants, grasses, and other vegetation. Komodo was tested to be five times less toxic compared to existing federal guidelines from US Forestry and USDA. It was determined to be essentially non–toxic to fish and mammals as tested by federal government labs.

6. What materials are compatible with KOMODO?

KOMODO is an easy-to-use and easy-to-apply green technology for fire prevention and protection that can be easily applied to nearly any material including woods and all related wood products; metals; glass; and most all cellulosic materials and organic substrates (trees; shrubs; plants; grasses; and related vegetation) to create a powerful “shield” against all destructive fires.

7. Once applied, how long is KOMODO effective in preventing fires?

KOMODO is effective immediately upon application and is formulated to resist weathering, winds, and rain to maintain optimum exterior fire protection on all treated vegetation and infrastructure throughout the peak fire season. KOMODO will resist weather, wind, and up to three (3) inches of rainfall before requiring reapplication.

8. What color is Komodo, and what does it smell like?

Komodo is colorless and odorless. In some cases, a chalky white residue may be visible.

9. Is KOMODO effective in establishing a “defensible space” around my property?

Yes, KOMODO is extremely effective in creating an impenetrable firebreak and defensible space around homes, businesses, and other vulnerable structures by treating the surrounding vegetation, fences, decks, sheds, and all exterior surfaces with its powerful fire protection formula. In addition to management of excessive vegetation, treating the areas surrounding your property with KOMODO will provide the necessary “defensible space” in compliance with California AB38 and other wildfire mitigation mandates currently enforced across the USA in high-risk fire hazard severity zones.

10. Is there a KOMODO service available to treat my home and business property?

Yes, there are a growing number of reputable independent service providers who are equipped with the requisite deployment equipment to spray KOMODO on the vegetation and combustible structures (fences, decks, sheds, etc.) surrounding your residence, business, and property. Please contact us directly, and depending upon your location, we will be able to connect you with a KOMODO service provider in your area.

11. Is KOMODO a certified and validated fire protection and prevention product?

KOMODO has passed all USDA / U.S. Forest Service tests for burn performance; toxicity (mammals and salt / freshwater fish); corrosion and abrasion; non-metallics compatibility; and stability testing, with full certification and QPL (Qualified Products List) status pending. KOMODO also holds QAI (Quality Assurance International) and CAL Fire certifications for fire retardant efficacy.

12. Is KOMODO patented?

Yes, KOMODO fire prevention and protection; fire retardant; and fire suppression technologies are proprietary and protected by both USA and World Organization patents filed and pending

13. Is KOMODO readily available on the retail consumer market?

Yes, KOMODO is available to everyone as a complete Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with a battery-powered backpack sprayer unit and all needed supplies (KOMODO dry powder compound, mixing apparatus, funnel, etc.) to mix and apply powerful KOMODO fire protection on over 5,000 sq. ft. of vegetation and structures. KOMODO Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits and various refill quantities of KOMODO Perimeter Shield dry powder compound are available on Amazon.com and directly via the KOMODO website at www.komodo-fire.com.

14. When we apply KOMODO fire protection to our trees, shrubs, and landscaping, will our plants be harmed and damaged by the KOMODO solution?

No, the KOMODO fire protection treatment will not harm your plants and landscaping when used as directed.

15. When we apply KOMODO fire protection to our trees, shrubs, and landscaping, will the effectiveness of the KOMODO fire protection solution be diminished if we use our sprinkler system to irrigate our KOMODO treated plants?

The KOMODO fire protection solution is designed and formulated to resist weather, wind, and up to three (3) inches of rainfall before requiring reapplication. However, because the KOMODO fire protection solution is water soluble and biodegradable, if it is subjected to repeated saturation by water sprinklers or other irrigation systems, the efficacy of the product will be reduced accordingly. We recommend that you irrigate your trees, shrubs, plants, and other landscaping vegetation at the base of the plants to avoid continued saturation of the KOMODO treated and protected foliage.

16. How much KOMODO fire protection solution do we need for our property?

Each mixed gallon of KOMODO fire protection solution will cover approximately 100-200 sq. ft. of area, structures, and vegetation. To ensure optimum fire protection, carefully evaluate the degree of fire hazard in any given area to accurately calculate sufficient coverage.

17. Does KOMODO come with warranties or guarantees?

Due to the fact that KOMODO Fire Systems is unable to control DIY end-user’s preparation and application of the KOMODO DIY products, KOMODO Fire Systems, Inc. provides no express or implied warranties surrounding any KOMODO DIY product and/or equipment. DIY end-users are solely responsible for the use and application of the KOMODO DIY products. KOMODO Fire Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for damage to property and/or materials where KOMODO DIY products are applied. All KOMODO products and form factors are guaranteed to function and perform as advertised if prepared, applied, and deployed correctly in strict accordance with all related product instructions, user guides, product manuals, and SDS (Safety Data Sheet) directives.

18. Is KOMODO fire protection available for commercial, industrial, and enterprise applications to cover large areas of property and infrastructure in high-risk fire areas?

Yes, KOMODO Fire Systems, Inc. is equipped with adequate manufacturing capacity and distribution networks to address large scale fire prevention / protection needs, including utility companies with critical infrastructure assets (utility poles; substations; communication towers; and related buildings), state / municipal transportation department applications with easements and rights-of-ways; railroad lines and railway systems; ingress and egress paths in high-risk fire areas; parks, campgrounds, and recreational areas; and all related areas within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) requiring enterprise level fire protection and prevention.

Please contact our KOMODO Fire Systems, Inc. International Headquarters for more information regarding all commercial, industrial, and enterprise level applications, distribution, and deployment.

19. Is Komodo a government-approved fire retardant spray?

Komodo products are approved for ground application on federal, state, and private lands by USDA and the U.S. Forest Service. The State Fire Marshal of CAL FIRE has also certified Komodo as an approved Christmas tree fire retardant.